Our Mission
The MISSION of Pay It Forward Media, Media that Matters (PIFM), is to educate, mentor, guide and provide support to underrepresented youth (ages 16-24), “Opportunity Youth Adults” and "Individuals with Disabilities" to obtain Paid Internships and potential jobs in STEAM-based programs. These include a full range of multimedia platforms, providing practical applications in the real world. PIFM uses the communication disciplines of Broadcast Journalism as the foundation of lifelong career skills training that help prepare these youth adults for opportunities in multimedia, while at the same time, enabling true-life experiences and relationships within the Community.
Our Vision
Pay It Forward Media, “Media that Matters” seeks to fully train and develop “Opportunity Youth Adults” who have mastered the “STEAM PIFM Multimedia Paid Internship Training Programs” with the assistance from our Community Partners, ACCESS, INC. and TECH HIRE, a San Diego Workforce Partnership (SDWP) Paid Internship Program. They would then become “Youth Adult Mentor Training Ambassadors”, providing them with paid opportunities to “MENTOR back their own peers”, …paying it forward along the way. They would continue to obtain their High School Diplomas, with the assistance of PIFM & ACCESS, INC.’s’ Community Partner, LEARN4LIFE.
“In today’s World, young people need MENTORS to look up to who can help them develop knowledge skills, gain valuable advice, build their professional networks, and finally encourage them to succeed”.
Our SUPREME “VISION” is to EXPAND Pay It Forward Media, Media that Matters, by creating a mentoring program led by College Graduates (who were once disadvantaged youth). These “Opportunity Youth Adults” would be mentored in their own business fields by Community Volunteers to OBTAIN JOBS and become the “Management Team” to “RUN” Pay It Forward Media, Media that Matters. These College Graduates would then “MENTOR back their own “once peers”, LEARN4LIFE High School Graduates…PAYING IT FORWARD ALONG THE WAY”. This will provide “Opportunity Youth Adults” with “MENTORS” they can look up to while obtaining part-time Paid Internships, and “on the job training” with PIFM.
“Pay It Forward Media, Media that Matters, wants to provide Opportunity Youth Adults of Today with Brighter Futures for Tomorrow.”